It all began with a need

Hi – I’m Kate and I am the founder of PhotoBlast Scanning. Before you trust me with your precious family photos I thought you might like to know a little about me. I have always been an avid photographer. I learnt how to take photos as a child on my father’s old school 35mm Minolta SLR, then moved on to a film point and shoot and eventually moved to a digital camera around the mid 2000s.

What this means is I had hundreds and hundreds of photos from my pre-digital days that I only had in a hardcopy photo version (because really who held onto their negatives). They were loose in boxes, they were in rather ugly oversized photo albums, stored in my attic and random cupboards around my house. They took up space and more importantly I never looked at them or enjoyed them. Not only that – but they were susceptible to damage and mould (and I lost quite a few photos this way).

So I invested in a specialised photo scanner they are safe forever. Not only that – the software allows me to make an original version and also a digitially enhanced version and even captures any writing on the back of the photos. I can load them onto a digital photo frame. I can share them with friends, and I can easily create photo albums in my own time that I would happy display on my coffee table and book shelves.

PhotoBlast is a new company that I have set up based on the North Shore In Sydney, which offers high-speed bulk loose photo scanning so that you too can have your photos scanned, your parents photos scanned, your grandparent photos scanned and save those memories for a lifetime.

Rest assured - just because you had your photos scanned does not mean you need to get rid of the originals, but it does give you options to share and enjoy your photos and ensure their safety for years to come.

Head over to the contact page to get in touch about having your photos and your families photos scanned.